The Limepay payment cartridge enables commerce cloud to integrate with the Limepay payment service. It offers only non hosted checkout service to storefront.
Download the Limepay Salesforce cartridge.
SFRA Integration
The integration is based on the SFRA demo store, on version 6.0.0, provided by SFCC.The integration consists of an archive with contents as described in the below table.
Name | Purpose |
cartridges | Contains Limepay integration cartridges |
cartridges\int_limepay_sfra | This cartridge contains the SFRA specific changes required for Limepay integration |
cartridges\int_limepay | This cartridge contains the API calls for Limepay integration and common code |
metadata | Contains system object extensions and configurations required for the integration |
documentation | Contains documentation for Limepay SFRA Integration |
Upload the following cartridges to the code version in Business Manager
- int_limepay
- int _ limepay _ sfra
Configure the cartridge path as shown below by adding to the beginning of the cartridge path
| Site Cartridge Path | intlimepaysfra:int_limepay |
All BM configurations related to the below components have been configured within metadata/site-template folder
- System object extensions
- Services
- Payment Processors
- Payment Methods
- Customer Groups
Follow the below steps to import the BM configurations for the above-mentioned components
- Locate the folder metadata in the installation package
- Review the contents within site-template folder
- Change the site ID under path site-template\sites to merchant site ID
- Archive the folder to ‘’ and the Import the file via Site Import & Export
New service ‘limepay.http.service’ has been added as part the integration
Service ID | Service Profile | Service Credential |
limepay.http.service | limepay.http.profile | limepay.http.credentials |
Map the URLs for the sandbox and production endpoints as follows
Environment | URL |
Non-production instances | |
Production instances | |
Service credentials requires no user/password rather refers the public/secret key combinations mapped to site preferences.
Note : Do not use hyphenated hostnames to access Open Commerce API (OCAPI) or Storefront while setting up the URL for the calls made internally for OCAPI and Storefront. Instead of use vanity host names such as, etc.
Payment Processor
New payment processor used by the cartridge
Payment Processor ID | Purpose |
LIMEPAY | Unified payment processor for processing Limepay one time and pay later transactions |
Payment Methods
Payment Method ID | Purpose |
Limepay | Main payment method used for Limepay one time and pay later checkout. |
Limepay_instalment | Dummy payment method used for configuring pay later threshold range. Not used for placing orders. |
Customer Groups
New dynamic customer group ‘ExcludeLimepayPayLater’ is used by the cartridge based on user storefront custom session attribute. When a customer adds at least one pay later disabled product to cart he/she gets added to this customer group thereby being disqualified for pay later option at checkout.
The below sections explain how to set up the Limepay integration related configurations within Business Manager
Configuring Site Preferences
Refer to the following table for the different site preferences used by Limepay integration
Site Preference | Value | Description |
Limepay Enabled | Yes | Centralized control to turn on/off Limepay payments for the site. |
Limepay Client Public Key | Merchant's Limepay public key | Key for rendering Limepay payment iFrame at checkout page under payment tab, used by Limepay checkout API. Also utilized for acquiring payment tokens for completing an order. |
Limepay Client Secret Key | Merchant's Limepay secret key | Key for authenticating a merchant for Limepay service by backend server. Place order works with correct pair of merchant specific public/secret keys. |
Limepay Payment Options |
Allowed Limepay payment options for site. Full Payment & Split Payment provide the customer with the choice to opt between the 2 for checkout Whereas Split Payment Only allows pay later as a payment and no one time settlements allowed. |
Limepay Multi Option Default |
This preference is used only when ‘multiple’ is selected for the above preference ‘Limepay Payment Options’. Lets merchants decide which among the 2 modes would be defaulted as payment option for a site. |
Limepay PDP Widget Mode |
Decides product page/quick view Limepay widget behavior. Toggle button displays breakdown of one time and pay later options and allows customer to choose between 2 for checkout. Toggle default state matches to above preference 'Limepay Multi Option Default'. Toggle widget is applicable for a site when both payments are allowed as per preference ‘Limepay Payment Options’. However, a merchant may also configure to display textual widget despite both payments are allowed. The textual widget shows a breakdown of pay later payment. When ‘splitOnly’ is configured for ‘Limepay Payment Options’ irrespective of this preference widget behavior shall always fall back to textual mode as customer has no options to choose between. |
Limepay Cart Widget Mode |
Decides cart page Limepay widget behavior. Toggle button displays breakdown of one time and pay later options and allows customer to choose between 2 for checkout. Toggle default state matches to above preference ‘Limepay Multi Option Default’. Toggle widget is applicable for a site when both payments are allowed as per preference ‘Limepay Payment Options’. However, a merchant may also configure to display textual widget despite both payments are allowed. The textual widget shows a breakdown of pay later payment. When ‘splitOnly’ is configured for ‘Limepay Payment Options’ irrespective of this preference widget behavior shall always fall back to textual mode as customer has no options to choose between. |
Limepay Script API URL | | Limepay API url for rendering iFrame payment section at checkout and acquiring payment token for processing order based on storefront basket details. This URL works with merchant`s public key preference mentioned above. |
Limepay Customer Service Email | (Marchant email id's) | Comma or semi colon separated email id`s to which Limepay refund failure notification would be sent. |
3DS Enabled | Yes/No depending on enable/disable 3DS Flow | Control to turn off/on the Limepay 3DS functionality. |
Limepay 3DS Minimum Amount | Minimum payment amount to request for 3DS verification | Minimum Total Amount added to enable the Limepay 3DS Verification. Note: Only check if 3DS is enable and see if order total is greater or equal to this amount then 3DS verification is allowed. |
Primary Color | Any Hex Color Code | Color that loads on Limepay render widget |
Apple Pay Domain Association | Domain Association Code | Used to Limepay Integration with Apple Pay |
Enable ApplePay and GooglePay
To enable ApplePay and GooglePay, please follow the instructions available in your Limepay Merchant Dashboard's Settings -> Checkout payment options
What's next?
Visit the testing documentation page to confirm the integration is fully functional.
Learn about and access the Limepay merchant dashboard.